Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why are Brits so left-wing?

maybe it is a historical thing. Britain is really the birth place of what we now know as the modern industrialised state. Initially, workers were treated very poorly, and it was amongst this m of poorly paid and treated workers that the first unions and workers parties formed.

Are UFO'S spoted or noticed on video cameras around the world that focus on the horizon/shy/ city skyline?

After seeing many pictures on the net of ufo sightings and hearing heeps about reports. Surly then UFO's would have been spotted on professional cameras that are 24 hours focuesd on the sky, for example, weather cameras facing the sky 24 hours a day and night. How come some person accidently snaps a strange object on his camera behind him in the sky but we never see or hear objects that have been captuered by 24 hour running cameras that are facing the sky?

Fundraising Ideas?

I'm in a school club, can people give me any good ideas on fundraising? other than selling chocolate or anything like that.

I'm auditioning for a talent show, and I really want to sing a smooth/soulful ballad. What should I sing?

I'm a tenor, but I am more of a tenor 2 so I can't sing to high. I want a song that I can sing that would impress and one that I could also belt with. ( in my range)

Do you know the one key mistake in the story of jesus that proves it is completely made up?

You didn't include the fact that the prophecy was spoken to King Ahaz, whose wife was clearly not a virgin, and whose promised son, Hezekiah, was to be considered a great reformer of Judah.

My pomeranian is petrified of loud noises (thunder, fireworks) any way to make him less nervous?

hmm....well i do not know bu i have 2 poms also and we usually cover them up with a blanket over their kennels it helps but ot completely...

Guys: What kind of outfit would you rather see a plus-size girl in?

Jeans and a tee? Mid-thigh skirt? An oversized sweatsuit? Nun outfit? Other suggestions? Is there any kind of outfit you would see and think "oh, she looks kinda hot today"? I appreciate any help. We aren't talking like, 500 pounds or anything. Too big to shop at regular stores, but just big enough to shop at plus stores.

Is the new boss the same as the old boss?

Now that he will have to be responsible for his actions, he has to forget the wild campaign rhetoric he used to get elected. If he actually did everything he said he was going to do, he would be a single term president. No one but the most naive liberal should be surprised by this.

What's the best way to change Euros back into Sterling without losing too much in fees etc?

I've just arrived back from Spain, and as usual still have some Euros left over - normally I would just keep these for my next holiday, but due to winning a bingo jackpot Wednesday night (what can I say - it was raining so I couldn't go anywhere!) I have rather more than usual. I've just been onto the Post Office website and worked out that if I 'sell' my euros back to them I would get �55 less than what it would cost me to 'buy' the same amount of euros from them in the first place. Any suggestions?

I had a bad dream 4 times that i had a lump in and now its tender,should i be worried?

i have checked my many times but i dont think i have any lumps,i did dream though four times that i had a lump and i was crying hysterically coz i was afraid,and now the very the right one is tender,even the arm near it is kind of sore,shouyld i be worried??

Wanting to leave South Africa, but where to go?

Hello. My husband and I have recently decided it is time for us to move from South Africa, we’re just not sure where we would like to go. We have 3 children, 2 sons who are 14 and 17, and a daughter who is 16. We are finding life to frightening here now. We live in Cape Town, but we also keep homes in Paarl and Wilderness. All of our homes have been broken into, even though we have them severely protected. My daughter was home alone one evening when she noticed someone in the protected yard. She called SAPS and thank god the police got there in time. And then a few months ago my husband and I had our car hijacked by gunpoint at a stop light on our way home from the supermarket. We are really becoming concerned with the crime and want our kids to be somewhere where they can be safe and not having to be on high alertness all the time. We want to live somewhere nice, clean and safe with good education and jobs available. My husband and I both work in the medical field. He is a Neurosurgeon and I am an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist. We are particularly considering Australia, New Zealand, and the UK, but are also interested in Ireland, Canada, and the US. We are also open to other suggestions. Can you suggest somewhere? Specifically, could you suggest a country and then some cities that meet or expectations? We would specifically like to be in an area with some other South African expats. We would also like an area that is more liberal minded, as my oldest son came out as gay last year. We also enjoy living near a large city, but are also able to keep property in a small town or the countryside for vacation and occasional weekends. And we also want an area with excellent private schools to enroll our children in. Thanks for your time.

We have a rabbit with litter of 6 dont know much about rabbits and young need advice and usefull web sites?

mum rabbit was and always been kept in seperate hutch and run from our other rabbit but the other rabbit managed to escape well must be just over a mth ago , didnt even think my rabbit was expecting only found them on sunday, they allready have fur but eyes are not open yet any advice would be good

Fantasy football pick up help?

Should i drop the broncos defense and pick up the houston texans defense who are playing the Oakland raiders who have scored 3 touchdowns in 3 weeks? if yes why, if no why?

Why do road bikers...?

i only agree also that they shouldn't have been riding side by side. where i ride there is no curb as they are mostly rural roads. So saying that all riders shouldn't be allowed to ride on a road without a curb would be a very stupid idea. and also your driving a big car and we are out on bikes, you riding by a person like that close is very dangerous to the cyclist you not so much. you should really try and think about how dangerous that is to him and by law you are required to allow a cyclist a certain amount of space.

Where can I find cheap housing for just the summer?

I am currently living in the dorms in Reno,NV. I have to move out for the summer and I don't want to stay with my parents, too crowded. I just need a place to stay for the summer, i dont make much a month, so it needs to be cheap and really cheap, I have no help from my parents....so any ideas?

Poll: Do people in your school wear sweatpants?

I was jw if people in your school, or even you for that matter wear sweatpans to school sometimes?? Appraently in some schools if you wear sweatpants in you school then people think that your poor. WTF is this?? If you were to go to my school you would own at least 2 pairs.. SO.. how does this go down at your school??

Toi muon hoi ve seo lom?

sau khi dot tia laze xoa tan` nhang co de lai seo lom~. xin hoi toi co the su dung thuoc contractubex duoc de boi seo dc ko?

Would this investment plan work it possible blease only answer if know what your talking about?

The compounding is far too optimistic. Warren Buffet has managed to pull off 25% gains in his lifetime of investing...400% a year is straight gambling. You would be taking the same amount of risk (probably less) if you just went to Vegas. It's good to be thinking ahead though, keep thinking about the future and learning about the stock market. Aculating wealth is a marathon, not a sprint.

Having starting problems with my 2000 Ford Taurus.?

My Taurus has 110k. It has been giving a problem not wanting to start in the am. Once I do start it, after 3-4 cranks, it starts fine for the rest of the day. I believe it's due for atune up. Any easy solutions to this particular problem other than the tune up would be greatly appreciated. It's a 6 cyl that recently had a check engine light prob but that went away. I live in Michigan, and it recently got cold over here.

If i'm not pregnant, what the hell is wrong with me?

Although tests advertise being able the test early, the accuracy tends to be lower the sooner you test. Just wait until after your period is late.

Do capricorn men like to be chased? when will they start to chase?

ok so i've been seeing a cap guy for a couple of months and we really dont talk much over the phone or text. it seems like he is kind of shy and quiet when we do talk. in person he is different. he is talkative, sweet, attentive, and remembers things about me in detail (kinda scary) i feel like he can read me. is this normal for a cappy guy to do? im kinda shy myself and dont really chase him either. should i just let him take the lead? i really dont want to impose anything on him since i've read that they dont like to be rushed into things or talk about their emotions. thx in advance :)

Is Ukraine next in line, after Georgia?

It seems that Georgia gave Russia the perfect opportunity to attack. They just didn't think it through, the Georgians that is. Reminds me of General Galtieri in the Falklands. He thought we wouldn't bother to travel all that way to retake the islands. There's an old expression 'know thine enemy'. Nobody bothers so they get a good hiding for nothing.

You know the saying everything i need to know about life i learned in kindergarten ?

I don't know, people are not mean, it's just the way they're words come out that makes them seem mean.

Best Athlete ever, Tiger..Bwahahahahhaha?

I keep hearing this, my god, golf is a game not a sport.Golfers, Bowlers , Dart players etc.These people are in no way shape or form athletes.

Please . Please . Please Help ASAP !?

x be hours and y be miles driven. and plot dots accordingly. its kinda hard to explain, i would make a graph but idk how u would be able to view it, sorry, hope the little bit of info helped tho

Is the best thing about being a woman...?

I thought you were going to say , use as leverage to manipulate men to wine and dine you and buy you gifts.

Would you go to mexico?

i wouldn't, so much is going there, drugs, killings, kidnappings now they are angry with the arizona law.

Question for guys,?

When you hear that a girl who is 18 and single is Barbadoan, Cherokee indian, Spanish, English, Dutch,Polish,Scotch,Irish,German,French and Welsh what do you think of automatically?

Exposure for film camera help?

It should work. Before you open the shutter, make sure all the lights are off and the room is completly dark.

Dealing with dirvorce?

First you are not alone. What your parents are doing has nothing to do with you. You are not to blame. You need to tell your Mom your fears about moving and going to a new school. Even though she is going through a lot right now she still loves you and needs to know how you feel. You also need to talk with your Dad about not being able to see him or his family. It is very scary what you are going through but, you are not the first or the last child to feel this way. As for your friends make sure they have your e-mail and you have theirs and all their address so you can write to them and give them your new address. You might like it here and try to look at it like an adventure.

Will marriage ever become obsolete?

Concepts of marriage evolve, but family will never be obsolete. Contrary to what many believe, the "one man one woman and kids under one roof" model is NOT biblical. It is a product of the industrial revolution, and is now an economic burden.

Why is my poop magenta?

So i just came out from droppin a bomb in the pot, and before i flushed (i always do this) i like to take a little glance at what i leave behind. normally its just like a deep choclate colored log with little cracks and bumps on it, but today it was a magenta purple pink color and i screamed and ran out without flushing so now my house smells like s because its still just sittin in there chillin. what do i do?

What to do for July 4th?

well i personally think you should go to NY. maybe upstate. its nice up there. you could hang out with some family or something of that sort..

Will it look ok?

Uh, you can get away with it. I'm not a big fan of the color concept, but if your going to do buy a zebra patterned pillow and add some other black and white accessories. But whatever you do don't just have one zebra patterned thing, especially when it's a piece of furniture.

Is the governments clunker program on the blitz?

auto industries are waiting to be paid for the rebates they have been giving to everyone for their clunkers. But have not received money or notice. They waited longer than the promised 3 or 4 weeks.

So I keep seeing this spam here...?

By responding to the spam, you are encouraging it. Now they know that it's being read & not just reported.

Obama: "Efforts aimed at economy's long-term health"...Then why is he so focused on the present?

The housing bubble was caused by cheap credit and over-investment in mortgages by foreign wealth management funds. Not by normal families who want someplace nice to live.

What are the drawbacks of playstation 2 are there any known faults with them.?

the slimline breaks fast!! its a load of crap. the original ps2 is much better because it has a cooling fan. the slimline didnt and it burns out in a few months. complete crap!

Monday, November 14, 2011

FASHiON POLL: Ugg boots!?

I love them - even with trackies (or sweatpants - whatever you call them!) But mostly with jeans! Xx

Why can Limbaugh prove the media wrong, and the media cant prove him wrong?

When you're as high on drugs as Rush is, it's hard for anyone to use logic to prove or disprove anything you ramble on about incoherently.

Im going to the doctors today to check to see if everying is ok, im 15 weeks, does a doppler always pick up?

does the doppler always pick up the heart beat? Did you ever have twinges every few mins lasting for a few hrs?

Sky sighting i need help please?

So i went to a near by location and i saw this object in the sky it was blinking almost like a blue and red (sounds weird i know) So i get hoe and a buddy comes over and i show him thinking nothing of it. need i say IT HAD NOT MOVED. it was fully stationary. So we sat out there for a little bit and we saw more popping up. we counted 8 before the night was over. I live in upstate ny very close to lake ontario. We saw 5 in the Canada direction and 1 going southeast and 2 to the southwest. THEY ALL LOOKED the same same brightness everything. now no star looks the same and they were not planes for they were stationary. Someone please help me to figure out what i was seeing. Were going to do it tonight also to see if we witness it again.

Is it possible to add Bots in COD black ops when playing by yourself?

I only have one controller and i want to play just a basic split screen match with bots by my self, i don't know if it's possible or not. If not, then please show me how i can play with bots by myself.

These transfer fees are becoming RIDICULOUS?

Torres 50mil and Carroll over 30mil... Carroll in his current state is worth 13 at best. This is why good English players are unbuyable, cause even the bad ones are already overpriced.

Causes of civil war?

i kno slavery but i need others and i kno tariffs and economic reasons but i dont kno how they were a cause i just kno they were so does anyone kno a link that shows all these causes including slavery but also tariffs, banks, unfair legislative representation etc. just need to kno how they caused the civil WAR

I need help! My Marble Molly fish just died and I have know idea why?

You need to put the dead molly in a bag in the freezer and take it back to Petco with a water sample (the water the molly was in when it died). Then immediately do a 25% water change and I would add some aquarium salt to your tank. Watch your other fish carefully for any changes in behavior.

What's a good book to read for a school project?

I'm looking for a new, modern book that I will enjoy reading for my English project. Young adult would be best and a girl novel. I really like Nicholas Sparks and Lauren Conrad, for example as to what I'm in to.

My friend told me to see if gullible was in the dictionary?

He told me it wouldn't be there and that theres no such thing so I looked and gullible was in the dictionary he said that was a joke I dont get ittt

I have just been fired because i did not work christmas day/today. Help?

I go to Church every Sunday, however, if my boss needs me to come in onece in a blue moon I will. They cater to your needs every week by giving you Sunday's off, the least you could do is come in when they really need you. Work is work, if you want a place to be run to suit your needs then start your own busines.

What format does a file have to be in to show up as a song and a music video?

If I wanted to download a music video from a site other than iTunes, what format (i.e. mp3, mp4, wmv, wav) would it have to be in so it would show up on my ipod as both a song and a music video?

Would this look good?

Would a french braided headband like the one Lauren Conrad does... I know it looks good with straight hair, but would it look good with scrunched hair or even beach waved hair? BTW I am going to a water park so if it doesn't look good with either of these I need help to find another hairstyle! Thanks in advance!

Republicans voted 75% for Gl-Steagal repeal, Democrats voted less than 50% for it, how is it Democrat's...?

Republicans are at fault with everything in general. When you see a liberal or democrat trying to fix their F-ups. The republicans betch and whine like little babies and you have ignorant people of those that formed the tea baggers and thus you have a wrecked country. Wars over resources, high gas prices and death to old people, sick people and disabled people.

Why did so many people all of a suden stop flashing the horn sign?

the TV use to pick it up all the time. somtines you see it. but in the 90's it was an epidemic If you look up Satanism you will find them giving this sign as a sign of afiliation with the cult. Is this the new hile hitler for the new world order? Satans underwold spreading like a cancer throughout society.

Im on zoloft 50 mg. since feb. 8.2008(was on wekkbutrin sr for about 10 days but dr. stopped it) Im worried?

about serotion syndrome..is this something common with zoloft? My anxiety is driving me crazy im so worried about the meds side effects its all i can think of..any uplifting news would be great>>!!

Quick W-2 question, how much do you suppose?

So I'm single, MAY be claimed as a dependent, have two jobs, and I've claimed S-02 for exemptions during the 2011 year. Am I going to be hit with a tax bill come next year? If so, are there any standard deductions I can claim, even if I'm not in school and I'm borderline poverty level? Any advice would be great! (Yes, I'm a first-time filer.) Thanks!

I keep dreaming about...?

Actually, having a in the dream is not about uality. That part of the body for a man or a woman represents one's ability to be ready to handle a situation at any moment. Or to put it plainly, spiritual readiness. For example, it involves who you are able to handle stress, worry, fears, anxiety, adversity and troubles. The blood you are getting on your hands represent that there is a situation that you are dealing with in your life which is draining the life out of you, because of how you are handling the situation. The reason you are seeing a is because the represents the ability to carry "seeds" or ideas or thoughts ready to initiate life into whatever is needed in your life. So, basically, you might have to change the way your thinking about some situations which are negative in your life. And trying to add a positive spin on things and try to move them in that direction. Hope this helps.


THEREFORE the pats should forfeit-get fined-suspend the coach and lose a 1st rd draft pick.--football and young kids and the old know cheating is an insult to the integrity of everyone in the league.Its an insult to the moral fiber of society.The pats need to be punished severly.--by the why my opinion is as good as anyone.--but maybe i have a little more credibility to comment,unless of course being vince lombardi's great nephew doesnt matter (and it never did but i'll throw it out there because thats who i am)

I am a Sikh girl of 31 years and live in India. I love a man who is already married. Any problem ?

His wife and family has no objection. He has two houses, one for me and second for his wife. I want to live with him and also want to become mother of his sons. As his wife has no objection, anyone has any right to move to court against our relation ? I want only legal advice

How do you hide/cover Rosacea?

As a professional makeup artist for 20 years I can give you the answer for this. Bee Luscious Cosmetics, start the routine of using the hydrocortisone 1% salve this will work on getting the rosacea calm. Then I would use their liquid powder mineral foundation, and pressed powder you will be amazed at the results, my clients swear by this line.

Kevin Durant is better than LeBron?

No.. No.. No.. I really hope you do not believe that. I cannot believe you would even post this up here. Lebron James is the best player to ever play the game. Yes Durant is a great player and yes he can score but do you understand what Lebron James can do to a team without scoring? Just his presence on the court is amazing. Please tell me you do not believe that Durant is better.

What do you think of my Go DJ freestyle lyrics?


Hollywood walk of fame?????????

a href="http://www.famousstar.de/star_Maurice_Chevalier.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.famousstar.de/star_Maurice_Ch…/a

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Where could i find pictures like this?

you could try Target, they've got some pictures there, I'm getting a black and white Eiffel Tower photo and a black and white picture of a flower.

Why cant a liberal thinker like me express my ideas without being cursed on?

Because conservatives in the US are nasty, cursing and hateful to anyone who doesn't march lockstep with them? Because they can't tolerate dissent? Just a thought.

Spiritually speaking, If you are flammable and have legs, how can you ever be blocking a fire exit?

Just curious how a person say.. a satanist, who believes in hell, satan and God can actually stand in the way of those who do not want to burn. Are they empowered? Why does God allow these people to afflict his church?

What to do if prosecutor offers?

my friend who is in texas jail told me the prosecutor offered her 5 years for an 3rd degree felony ault charge this is what her attorney told her. can her attorney get the charges reduced further than that. Or do they have to take that offer? if excepting that offer how long will she actually be in jail?

How can a girl be friendly with you and suddenly just ignore you?

we got along fine for like three weeks and suddenly from this weekend she stopped texting me. i sent her two texts asking her if she's ok and if she had a good weekend? no reply. her phone is working properly cause she called someone i know. in todays message i asked what she's up to and if her weekend was great. i dont think thats offensive. im not bombarding her with texts or anything. why would she ignore me. is she silently telling me to **** off and she doesnt want to be my friend?

My daughter is almost 7 weeks old! when should we try for her crib?

we had her in binet then she got sick so was in bed with us. then she moved onto her bouncer and now we cant get her back in her binet the minuet we put her down she wakes up? should we keep trying for binet or go for crib in her own room?? and if keep trying with binet how can we get her out of our bed. she makes alot of noises in her sleep and keeps us up? any advice would help?? thank you

Love my husband but not ually attracted anymore?

ive been struggling with this for a while. me and husband got married really young. it was a spur of the moment thing. just went to the courthouse and got married. dumb idea. well i was also pregnant when we did that so we've baisclly been together because of our son. well i love my husband dearly i mean hes like my best freind and we like to hang out but i dont find him attractive like that. i mean unless maybe im drinking and we'll have then but anyways after my son was one i started going out alot and that led to some things i wasnt too proud of. he said that he still wants to be with me and while thats sweet n all i just dont really think i love him anymore like that but i feel like i should stay with him anyways because of our kids. is that wrong?

Is NBC's Phenomenon still on air or did they cancel it?

I just recently found out about the show and I wanted to watch it (honestly, I just want to see Criss Angel haha). I tried checking the website but it didn't say anything about a new season premiere or anything. So is the show still playing or was it like a one season thing?

Have you got a freeview box? UK. Does it still work? 250000 boxes are obsolete.?

a href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1044291/Up-250-000-TV-screens-blank-upgrade-leaves-Freeview-boxes-obsolete.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-…/a

I'm interested in a .45 handgun..? which one is good?

I gotta agree with Andrew. I love 1911's and you can find a used one for a good deal (especially the GI or Mil Spec from Springfield, and Rock Island Armory makes a good gun too). I hate the way a Glock feels in my hand and again like Andrews said its polymer, which I don't have much faith in compared to steel. Don't know much about the USP though.

Should I give her my last name or his?

Being in your position, I would give her my last name.... if he bailed so leasily last time, what's to say he won't do it again if things get tough or if being a father isn't what he expected?

How well do coral bells do in full sun in zone 6b?

they will not do well in standing water or soil that does not drain. while they are a shade plant, they do OK in full sun. I have planted them in 6b in full sun they are not quite as vigorous and may get a little brown on the leaf margins, but they do OK

Where's the best B&B in NY State during mid-August?

We're looking to head out of town for a weekend babymoon during the middle of August -- because it will be so warm we're hoping to get to a cooler spot - the coast or upstate. Any suggestions of a great B&B, Spa, etc...? Thanks!

Geometry Homework (10 points to the best answer)?

"The pyramid is reflected in the seaplane", does not make sense. It should be reflected in the xy plane, or the xz plane or the yz plane. Which of these was in the original question? Given the coordinates involved it could be any one of them.

So I got the Dear John letter from the Rock Hill SC Police Department should I stop considering a career in LE?

I work for a small southern town police department and have just isted our IA division with the selection process for rookie police officers. I don't think you should give up. There are national standards and prequalifications and then the department has their own set, so really you are ping two sets of prequalifications. It sounds like you are ping the initial ones so there shouldn't be a problem. There may have been someone who scored even one point higher on an exam than you did and they by law have to give that person the spot, or they may have a race/gender percentage that has to be filled and you may not fit that criteria. Your qualifications look exceptional and I think a department would be lucky to get you as an officer. Don't look at it like they didn't want you, think about and maybe you didn't want them. Make it your choice, not theirs. Good luck!

My 1999 Saab 9-3 engine stalls when at a stop and is difficult to start, both intermittently.?

1999 Saab 9-3 4 cyl 2.0L turbo. Plugs have been replaced, idle has been set higher, premium gas being used, octane boost added to gas, ignition module replaced per code po 340.

How can I obtain a clear title for my property to purchase title insurance?

My father purchased a vacant lot in 2005 and had a warranty deed signed, notarized and filed with our county. My father let me have the property to build a new home, once the home was completed I had the deed transferred in my name, now I am know trying to obtain a equity-loan to pay for the loan I had previously taken out to build the homebut my problem is the owner from which my father bought the property from was one of 3 owners the property was willed to from back in the 70's. Is this a pretty common issue? I already have a title company I am working with, but they want me to get an special warranty deed signed by the two other deceased owners heirs, but they do not reply to any letters I mail them? What can or should I do? I really need to obtain the loan, but my lender will not approve it without the title insurance.

Rising foor prices could lead to famine - bad thing?

you worry me danny that you dont think that famine is a" BAD THING" shaking head and wondering what in the world we are comming to every single life is precious and starvation is a horrible way to die I am guessing that you do not eat meat (well niether do i) I think that those who do have that perogative to eat what they like and if we stopped feeding grain to animals that they would still graze on other recources

Need help with probabiltiy?

First, you have to know how many there are in total. There are 15 B , 15 I , 15 N , 15 G , and 15 O . That means there are 75 balls in total. Since there are 15 G balls, the chance that the ball selected is a G ball is 15/75 or 1/5. This means, the odds against it is 4/5 (1 - 1/5).

Do most vets have boaring policies for sick pets ?

The best thing you can do is call the vet and ask, not only about what their boarding policy is (I am sure it varies a lot from clinic to clinic) but also whether they think after two weeks he'll be okay to have someone just check on him once a day. My guess is that if he makes it through until your vacation without any repeat incidents, he should be fine for those 4 days too

What specific molecular reasons causes the relationship between diffusionrate and temperature to be nonlinear?

Is it even possible that a slight raise in the tepmerature will lead to a LOWER diffusion rate? an experiment was made in my cl, with many groups, and from the results it clearly appears that from around 20C to 30C there is a DECREASE in diffusion rate. how could that be?

What is my condition called?

self esteem issues...not quite social anxiety. Social anxiety would include the sweats, heart racing, heavy breathing, avoidance of social situations, etc. It seems as though you have self confidence issues that may need to be talked out with a psychologist.

Names of the agricultural & minaral-based industries developed in- usa,spain,australia?

names of the agro-based & minaral-based industries developed in- usa,spain,australia(atleast 3 from each country)

Stripping vs. Abortion??

if a person wants to strip down and dance that's their choice as long as they don't do it in a public venue which is against the law. on the other hand abortion is the killing of another person's life and while it's the woman's body there is another body inside of her that doesn't have a say in the matter

Whats the story with Noel and I? Is it possible to get him back? Pay good attention to my story please.?

why do you talk about this stuff? these experiences should be internalized. I can't imagine anyone telling you anything of any value here. Maybe some people will tell you something they think you want to hear. But what will happen WILL happen. There's nothing you can do about it.

Im interested in DST and need istance about Rush & the Requirements of Delta Sigma Theta Inc?

Ok, I am a junior in college and I have all the requirements I need except I have two issues! Thinking ahead, I know i need to have letters of recommendation and to attend DST programs to be a familiar face but when I finally decided to pledge this spring I realize that there are no more schedule events. Also, i don't know anyone in DST for a letter of recommendation. Moreover, the Rush is so discrete I don't know how to go about finding out about it, especially when I don't know anyone in DST except the ones who already graduated and that's NO help. IM PANICKING PLEASE HELP!!

What do I do about child custody?

Only you can judge his character and know what is best for you and your children...but i think it may be a good idea.

Spanish to english corrections?

You actually don't need the "usted" for it to be a proper sentence. Without it you would say "Como estas".

I have a serious question about the pain reliever Loritab. PLEASE answer this...?

If someone took 2 Loritab's in 3 hours could possible side effects be complete memory loss for 2 hours and extreme mood swings and the person acting bi-polar? If someone says that happened to them would that just be an exaggeration....?

Worm's eggs in puppies poop?

Hi. I would expect that if you have the mother's sample, the ages of her pups (this medication should be distributed by weight), that the vet will provide you with the meds for the pups without taking them. If you aren't the first appointment of the day at the vet's office, just dial up the receptionist first thing in the morning & ask if the vet will want the pups, too. I will guess not:)

Dream interpretations...?

You are feeling trapped by your pregnancy and subconsciously trying to escape to a simpler and freer time.

Multiple email newsletters from same website in emails?

In Yahoo today there were about 15 emails from ClubMom tried to delete them but it wouldn't delete the emails. did not read any of them just checked on them and pressed the delete key nothing happened they came back up

Ripped off by Hotels.com - what can I do?

I booked a room for work travel. I couldn't locate the # of the hotel where I always stay, so I googled it. Thought I had the hotel chains 800#.I asked for the "state rate" , all my employer, will reimburse for. Booking agent ured I would get it - lowest rate. Got $148. I told her this was too high and I just wanted to book direct with hotel. Was told once they had my credit card# (my stupidity) it was booked and "tough luck" . I didn't say to book it - I didn't even have a conf#. Turns out 800# was HOTELS.COM. 1 1/2 hours and 6 phone calls later - all I can do is cancel my credit card and file a fraud complaint. I've has this card for 20 years and this will mess with my credit history. Who can I file a complaint with? Hotels.com just gets me call centers in El Salvador and Manila who put me on hold. Help! what can I do? (in addition to making sure of right 800# & NEVER giving mycc# )Thanks for your help!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Has anyone used Priceline.com to bid on airfare?

$450 seems to be the going rate right now, so go lower. The one good thing about bidding on Priceline is that you can go lower and re-bid if too low. Try $250 and head up. Be warned that Priceline includes a service fee, so be aware of that when bidding...for instance $250 inclusive of the fee. It's more difficult these days because the airlines are filling flights because they've cut back in service to eliminate empty seats.

Does she like me or is she just interested?

Ok, I really like this girl in my cl and believe shes interested in me. Alright this past week I had asked her for her number and she gave it to me, she then asked me for mine (don't know if this means anything) and so since then I have been talking to her... But this week when I was talking to her I had asked her to come sit next to me.. she did and when we started talking to me she would twirl her hair and when I would talk to her she would look around as if she were nervous. Today at lunch she sat next to me as she always does and we talked once more... but again she kept looking back and fourth. I do want to mention that when we talk its a quick conversation and then its dead.. Today our conversation was actually more complex. I do notice that she tends to look at me and then turns away quickly when i look at her. I would also like to add that she is shy. But surprisingly enough she waves at me and says hi everytime i see her. Can anyone tell me if she likes me? Where I am at? What I should do? Any suggestions at all?

Reason why aliens hide from us? (If there are aliens, that is.)?

i humans are violent and kill each other why would we not kill them ? we use all of our resources and don't care if we ruin the planet for any one else ,we are not able to handle the TECHNOLOGY with out killing every thing we contacted out side our universe we smell; and are ugly to them we are just a pet to be studied it is a law of the universe that more intelligent beings cannot intervene with the Evolution of a lower species as it could interrupt the evolution of the whole space time continuum

Should i be embarresed to wear jeans 4 the first time?

i bought a pair of jeans today and its my first time wearing them to school i always used to wear sweatpants but i want to start wering jeans. this is a silly question but can white guys wear very very baggy jeans without lookin like a gangster or somtin cause i hate wearing anything thats tight or even if they fit perfectly i love wearing baggy stuff idk

How many players is burnout paradise?

i want to get burnout paradise, but i need to know how many players it is. and tell me... is it any good?

Best hockey stick for me?

i am a triple A player (AAA) im am more of of a playmaker but can snipe when the oportunity comes, i need a stick that i can get the feel of the puck and stickhandle in tight sitiuations along with an acurate and fast shot type of curve, so i need a type of stick and curve. thank you. oh yah, i am using an CCM U+ CL now

Please rate my FF Team!?

Its pretty good.. You have a pretty good QB with Phillip Rivers. You have a very good RB with MJD. Your WR's are good you will get pretty any points there. Pretty good defense. Your bench seems pretty solid i thyink you will do good.... GL

How to type ASCII characters with numerical pad on a macbook?

I can't get the ~ (tilde) character on macbook. On Linux or Windows, this is ormally achieved by typing ALT+126 on a numerical pad. On a macbook it does not wok. How can I do that? In general, how can I type ASCII characters by their code?

Why dis he build up my hopes? Will he contact me?

A guy friend moved to another state a year ago and since then have kept in contact by chat..once a mth or so even though we didn't know each other well before he left. I have to visit his city for work in a few weeks and he said he'd love to meet up. Problem is I'm now thinkning about him a lot..he wrote that he's going to fall in love with me & also said hurry up and come! We admitted we like each other. Thing is I don't know him that well & I'm just worried as we don't chat very often. Now its a few wks since we've chatted..usually he contacts me. It's making me insecure & worried but I do know he's really busy now. So a week ago, I mailed him to tell him the date I'll be there and am waiting a reply. Why hasn't he got back to me? Really, he initiated all the feelings..& I reacted to this as I started having feelings too. Now why the silence when he always sounded so excited about the whole thing?

I can't lose any more weight? Plateau?

Well, it might be your natural healthy weight, I am sure look great at that weight, its like perfect. I have been recovering from anorexia for a couple of months, and that is the size I am shooting for. You should not try to force your body to be a certain way if it doesn't want to be. If you are eating and exercising the right amount, then your probably just fine. Remember, guys like healthy bodies, toned, and curvy, not weak and skinny like I was.

Can I please get some advice on conflict resolution on this problem that I have?

When I went back to school this January, I had to find a place in the town where I'm attending school. I found a potential basement suite really close to the school and when talking to the landlord when deciding if I was going to get it or not, the landlord said that the only thing is that they had kids so I would hear them at times. I considered this and said I would think about it. Later on I decided not to take the place because I needed a place where I would be able to live peacefully and study and even though I can stand some background noise, I wasn't sure how loud it was going to be. When the landlord called me to see if I was still going to take the place, I told her I had decided not to because I was concerned about the noise. She right away said "well it isn't THAT bad" and then I told her "well I need to be able to sleep and study and I don't know if the noise is going to allow that" and then she said "oh yeah-you WILL be able to sleep. It isn't that loud" and she went on to tell me how the bedroom was completely insulated. So I told her I would take it then because it was so conveniently located next to the school. I have only lived here for about 2 months and there have been so many issues like the kitchen tap spouting out water, the pipes under the kitchen sink flooding the floor, the heaters not working when I moved in (and instead of getting the actual heaters fixed, they just gave me a couple of those portable ones) and something big spilled upstairs and it leaked right into my suite through the floor. The biggest problem is the noise is MUCH worse then I thought and the bedroom has no insulation whatsoever and I have to listen to loud t on the floor and temper tantrums ALL DAY LONG with the parents yelling, swearing and screaming. It's gotten to the point where I can't even hear the person I'm on the phone with and my sleep has really been affected. I can't nap at all and I'm most of the time up till 3 in the morning doing homework because that's the only time it's a little quiet. I can never sleep in on the weekends because I get woken up, I can't do homework in peace and I can't ever nap. I have given several warnings about the noise and the only thing is that they have said I can move out and they won't make me give notice. The problem is moving is expensive because I don't have a truck and I'm in a demanding nursing program and don't have time for this at this busy time of the semester. What can I do? Would I have a right to ask for money back on my rents or take this to arbitration for damages? I'm really mad about this.

Are they really?

Well... your link is broken so I can't address that issue.. however *IF* you're such a great writer of music and such why ain't you rich?... Just wondering is all.... Toby must be doing something right.

Why do we support Saudi Arabia?

i have recently traveld back from saudi arabia it is the worst country i have ever been to there is so much censorship all they ever show on telly is the king walking around kissing people and i mean all day. they have no oppision in goverment there are lots of people from third world countrys getting exploited like slaves working in poor conditions and nobody is allowed speak out for them. no information is allowed out of the country. it makes north korea look like a holiday camp.and the saudi people are not even allowed any infomation . every book i picked up in english had half the text cut out.but there are KFC's every place you go .

Which 1 of these RB's to start week 13? Maroney @ BAL, Dunn @ STL, Rudi J @ PIT, or Dayne vs. TEN?

Rudi at Pittsburgh is the start to go with here. Dunn is sporadic, Dayne is sporadic against one of the better D's in the NFL and Maroney is barely getting touches and he is healthy. It's gonna be wet nasty and sloppy on that Pittsburgh field so there will be a lot of running!

Is this outfit too trashy for clubbing?

I personally would not wear any of this. Its all cheap and tacky looking.. But if its what u like wear it :D

Help with the title of a Norman Wisdom film please?

Can't remember the name of the film the scene is in, he's having to sort through a pile of cases with names on, and he's throwing them about in true Norman style,but comes across one with no name on,and starts shoutin 'whose is this one'... anyone know which film this is from

Lease agreement question?

You can always sue...the real question is, can you win. The first question is whether the condition placed regarding the program was verbal or written. If verbal, then basically there was no termination clause attached to whether you got into the program since there is no such thing as a valid verbal real estate contract. You could sue in small claims court (cheapest way to go) and the decision will hinge on how the judge reads the rental contract. If you win, you should, of course, ask for court costs. If you lose, you're out the security deposit and court costs.

Does anyone know what this is?

I once saw on a television show a serving platter for appetizers or maybe it was chips and dip that had little plaques either attached to it or near it that could be written on (with a wax crayon i think) to tell you what the food was. Can anyone tell me where to get this, what it's called or who makes it?

I think i have adhd-pi but im too embared to go to the doctors in case im just lazy, what should i do?

I can't concentrate in cl and subsequently do badly at school, well not badly but i think i could do a lot better. I just dont seem to have the energy or interest to stay on the topic of the lesson!

What University Should I pick for a computer course?

do not come to the uni of wolverhampton i warn you its c r a p, it came 113 out of 117 unis. its one of the worst ever ever. Bolton came last at 117th. Dundee was high up there so was bradford.......

What to do in this situation?

Well man, it seems like a tough situation. The best thing I can tell you is to talk to your step-mom about what you want to do, if she says no, don't argue just deal with it for awhile, and do things around the house to show her you deserve this privileged. And when your brother does break the rules you have placed on the 360, just talk to him one on one respectfully, don't act angry just be chill, and if he blows you off talk to your step-mom about it.

If you are in a relationship with a man and you think they are doing this...?...?

I found on his credit card bill where he is paying on a yahoo personals account. I didnt tell him I seen the statement where he paid this bill I just told him that I knew he was a member,he said he used to be but is no longer,the bill is current.How would I go about maybe finding him on yahoo personals, I dont belong to yahoo personals,Ha,go figure ,maybe i'm not in of much as a relationship as I thought I was with this man!!!

IS this a primary or secondary source? Give reasons why.?

it's a primary source, it came from the time that the munich agreement was made, if it was a secondary source it would be for example something like a newspaper article from our time or much later than the date the munich agreement happened.

Halloween II .. Your opinion?

I found it ...hmm, ohkay. Story got switched around a lot, and the fact that Michael Meyers wheres a hoodie instead of a jumpsuit juus makes in darker and more ...ga'y? lol, and the story got mashed up from the original... What your opinion?

Why is "rationing" in Healthcare consider a bad word?

There is no possible way to provide everything to everybody so by definition there will have to be tough choices made.

Question about this instrument?-- string instrument players preferably..?

That is a very old Cello. Considering it says "Antique" in the title. I am going to ume that it is not playable due to have missing pieces, such as the missing the tuners.

Did you know that Barack Obama is the cousin of President Bush?

Yeah, Obama has some black sheep in his family tree. But everyone does, and we shouldn't hold it against him.


A gl cage thats at least twice its size, any kind of bedding, I have some kind of soil for mine, but it's a lot of clean up when I take out its water bowl. Next time I'm getting it rocks. They love to climb so have something it can climb, as well as swimming, so it needs a big water bowl (big enough to fit) And remember to give it a heating lamp and heating pad. It's temperature needs to be at 80-85 degrees in the day 75-80 degrees at night. Humidity should be at 80% (which I am currently having a hard time doing) When it's a juvenile it should mainly eat crickets. But it can also eat meal worms and super worms. (Super Worms are fatty so not too many of those) and fruit (mine refuses to eat fruit though) when it's fully grown it can eat feeder fish, meal worms, crickets, pinkies, fruit, plants, and veggies. It's water bowl should be big enough to fit in, and water should be about half your CWDs height.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Why would a guy leave me comments?

Here is the deal I use 2 like a guy n middle and high school but its like he neva really like me and always said he had a girlfriend and I use 2 chase him but I don't even like him like I use 2 and I seen him on myspace and left a friend request jus because I rememberd him and now he leave me comments on myspace now that he sees I'm not paying attention to him anymore. Y is that?

Do you like Whoopie?

I'm talking about ON THE VIEW, PEOPLE! Get your mind out of the gutter :) I don't care for the way she always talks over Sherri. I catch it sometimes in the morning. See seems a bit condescending towards opposing views. What do you think? Or do you even care? lol.

Can any1 suggest me some pretty good mangas/anime?

Some shounen mangas that might fit the goal oriented theme would be Naruto, Fairytail, Fullmetal Alchemist, Eyeshield 21, and maybe Bleach.

What are some football celebrations?

Anybody got any ideas for a celebration for a touchdown sack tackle or interception i wanna have sometthing for when we play our rival team

Why don't we enter a star into eurovision?

Surely, if we entered Mika or Robbie Williams into Eurovision - we would win. Why do we only enter amateurs with no proven quality?

Where can i buy a wine/burgundy multiwear bra????

My sister is getting married in 6 weeks. I'm a bridesmaid and can't find a bra to match the dress anywhere. It is a halter neck so it is a bit harder to find anyway. But can't find any near the colour of the dress. Can anyone help me please??

Asian drama suggestions...?

i was hoping someone could suggest a good korean or japanese drama. I want something similar to hana kimi and coffee prince. Something where the girl pretends to be a guy or something. I was also looking for a good drama that is similar to hana yori dango and boys before flowers. Something where there is a poor girl and rich guy. Please list any suggestions and as many as you can think of. I have seen alot of dramas so please give several names. just to give you an idea, i have seen (and disliked) my girl, seen coffee prince, hana kimi, hana yori dango (korean, japanese, and taiwanese), dal jas spring, goong, choonhyang, full house, proposal, witch yoo hee, and more that i cant remember. Please dont list any i have already said. Thanks for your help!

GH: Is it just me or do you find the possibility of a hook up wih irritated Patrick?

and predator Lisa just boring, boring, boring? Yet another mistake, another triangle... are you bored or intrigued?

What makes you think of Africa??

Im drawing a picture...a collage really and i need some ideas! I have a giraffe, an umbrella thorn tree, and a kente quilt as the border...so give me some ideas please....thanks so much!!

Change my gas fire place from pilot/knob to flipping a switch?

I have a gas fire place that's about 12 years old. It's lit like a water heater where there's a knob for the gas that you push in to light the pilot and then turn to ignite the fire. It's very close to the fire and i have to use a pot holder to turn it off. A friend of mine said with certain parts the fireplace could be upgraded to the kind that turns on with the flip of a switch (self igniting... saving money on gas always running to the pilot). Could someone point me to some doentation on what parts are needed for the upgrade? Thanks.

I feel like she hates me after all thats happen, but I thought we where so close?

This is when you act like you have NO idea and then spread the word acting like you're gonna throw a huge party. But try to make sure your friend doesn't hear the news unless its from other kids around school. Then she gets mad about your party plans

Is diet ginger ale or regular ginger ale considered soda?

im going to start that no soda diet this coming monday. and I was going to make a list of all the drinks i can drinks other than soda. you know, like water, juice, etc. is ginger ale considered soda? diet or other whys?

San Francisco Trip! Advise needed!?

Alcatraz, china town, go ice skating, and Winchester mystery house is fun. fishermans wharf is a great idea! hope you have fun. I stayed at this hotel, walking distance to china town and fishermans wharf. Only problem it's a little over your budget. sry a href="http://www1.hilton.com/en_US/hi/hotel/SFOFDHF-Hilton-San-Francisco-Financial-District-California/index.do?xch=241777618,I3CBVW2DBFBXWCSGBJBOLYQ" rel="nofollow"http://www1.hilton.com/en_US/hi/hotel/SF…/a

Can i get the look of a perm w/a ceramic iron?

HELP! i have frizzy/curly/nappy//natural hair & just purchased the infiniti by conair. which products will control my hair and give me the sleek & smooth look of a hard press (straight like a perm) with this iron. give me what ever info you have: shampoos, conditioners, ers, serums, whatever!

What should I do about this really bitchy girl in my cl?

I faced the same situation last year. What I did is I virtually boycotted her everywhere and didn't speak to her even once.

Can you give me a good middle name for Bella?

Oh, yeah, no Sara, Donna, or Marie, no smart *** answers. I do not like "Twilight". I like Bella, because it is a pretty name, with a pretty meaning...

Best way to get a fleshlight? at 16?

Here is what you can do, If you are that close to your dad then ask him to order it for you and have it shipped to you at your house. As for the Airport thing - There is nothing the airport can do. It is NOT an illegal product and ALOT of men have one. I am deployed and I brought mine with me in my cary on suitcase.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What can you tell me about a mastiff?

I got my Mastiff about 6 years ago. He is the most loving animal EVER! He is sooo attached to me,his owner and will not leave my side. When he drinks water, he gets a lot of slobber but I have trained him to wait until I wipe his mouth. He sheds QUITE a bit but is still a great dog. I have a cat and he gets along very well with him. He doesn't dislike him, nor like him. Just in between. Also, I live in a townhouse too. My mastiff is well adjusted to it. Just remember, Mastiffs are INDOOR dogs. They get over heated very easily and are not he type of dog to go on walks. He doesn't bark a lot. Only if someone is at the door. And, he starts to growl around strangers but soon gets used to them. He gets along with other dogs. He is a GREAT dog!! And I hope you enjoy yours, if you get one.

Why on Jeopardy do the contestants throw away money?

I was just watching an episode where a contestant wagered almost all of her money on final jeopardy and answered with a "?". what an idiot

Does "tariff" have anything to do with subsidizing the gasoline price in developing countries?

Does "tariff" have anything to do with subsidizing the gasoline price in developing countries?

Need advise on my young horse, please help?

It was probably an off day or a learning stage. I've found that at 3-4 a young horse needs security and they tend to do just what you ask them etc. Once they get to about 5 they then start to question your authority and have a few spells. ; ) I'm guess his age has a lot to do with it. I'd keep going a bit more and see how he is, if it's not safe for you to ride then have someone else hop on him and see how he is. If he is going through a stage it may be better for you to have someone else school him for you for a bit in order to keep your back in good order. He'll probably come right though, and it may be that he has an occasional day like this until he grows up some more.

US citizen marrying Canadian illigal immigrant!!?

I am a US citizen and my wife who came to Canada 5 years back as student status.Under some dire family cirstance she couldnt renew her student authorization and she is illigal there right now.We've been married for 2 year and i already applied for her. I wanted to know when she will be called for an interview with the US consulet,will she be depoted to her home country which is INDIA or US consulet will just issue her VISA.I want to add that her family doesnt stay in India anymore so,i am anxious about the whole situation.Please help

Whats the song feat.paulwall with a chorus like 'coogi prada' and paulwals verse 'fresh up out the lab hop?

the only part i remember is paul wall saying " fresh up out the lab, hop up in my slab" and a wack chorus singin about coogi, prada, coogi, prada

True or false? Through taxation -- gov'ts make more money off each pack of cigs sold than the Tobacco co's do

Retired from a tobacco company - this is ABSOLUTELY TRUE....that's why I think it's so funny when people keep attacking the tobacco industry..kind of like be careful what you wish for.... one tobacco company is the largest tax paying company in the USA!

So I wrote this poem and would like if you can comment on it and rate it and leave suggestions...? thanks!!!!!

That's great! :) On five I give it ten. My favorite part is the words are just letters in alphabet soup.

Would you like to see your military dollars at work?

As Clemenceau famously said, "War is too important to be left to the generals." But today, Publicity is too important to be left to the generals. They have neither the training nor the skill to polish their image, promote their personality, market their brand, practice the right catch-phrases, pitch the right "ideas," wear the right clothes, create the right photo-ops, attend the right parties, cultivate the right friends, marry the right wife, appear on the right talk shows and in the right magazines, and stab the right people in the back. They would be lost without the right consultants to help them do all these things.

Should I get another Siberian Husky or a Border Collie?

We have a 6 month old Siberian Husky currently and he's wonderful. He's good with children and even our ferret(they play together) and we're thinking of adding another dog as a playmate.We know this will probably mean twice the work but that's okay. I've grown up with Border Collies on a farm so I know them well and know they need ALOT of exercise. Im just wondering if they would work with a Siberian or if its better to get another Sibe for our boy. Also does anyone know how Collies are with snow? Never lived in a snowy area with one before.

How long were your NYU supplements?

for those who appllied to NYU...the supplements included the poem, the film question, the famous New Yorker, and the poem. i just wanted to know approximately how long were your responses for each question?

What will happen if i get into a fight at a club?

There is someone that has been tormenting me for a while now and i see him at a club every now and then. I'm thinking of going up to him and knocking him clean out. Will the bouncers just throw me out or will they call the police and have me arrested? Police never go into the club and the bouncers take care of everything in the club and carry people out when they get out of hand. but do you think i can be arrested?

Who do you think would win in a free-for-all between Peter Griffin, Lois Griffin, and Joe Swanson?

I know what you're thinking, huge mismatch right? Wrong. Let me explain: think of Peter in his super-violent brawls with the giant chicken; Lois, in the episode where she learned martial arts and kicked the crap out of all the New Yorkers; Joe, in the episode where he regained the ability to walk, became highly athletic and also very good in martial arts (uming that he stayed this way and didn't re-injure himself). Now, between the three, who do you think would win?

Engine oil consumption on thinner/ thicker engine oils?

Most additives are just very thick oil. Most don't even use a quality base oil because they're not required to adhere to any manufacturer's specifications, like regular motor oil. They have the same effect as using a thicker oil, which you're already doing. Once your gas engine gets to the point where you have to run 15W40, it's time to rebuild / replace the engine or just live with using thicker oil. The downside will be fuel consumption and loss of power.

Is This Double Jeopardy?

You are correct. If you are mistakenly convicted of a crime, you don't get to legally go out and commit that crime to make up for lost time if you didn't actually do it. Anybody who could even think that the alternative is legal in any way is either not very bright or psychotic.

Is it ok to use ermilk for baking or brining even if still unopened beyond its expiration date?

Just wondering because a few times I opened ermilk when fresh, it didn't smell or look much different from a regular milk gone bad. I'm also wondering what harm can still come from using ermilk a week or two past its expiration date when heat from the thorough baking or cooking will kill off any bacteria anyway?

How do I draw a Tiger?

If you want to make it realistic, don't rely on your memory. I think the best and cheapest way is to find a picture of a tiger on the internet. This i the picture you will be drawing. Start sketching it. Don't subconciously change something because that how you imagine a tiger looking. Draw exactly what you see, not what you imagine. My advice: Draw What You See!!!!

What do you think of this horse?

I think Prince looks great, looks like my old horse. He sounds just right for what you want him for so i dont see whats stopping you.

Do I have the right mindset for marriage? Read and tell me what you think?

I think you are very ready to commit to him. You obviously love him, it's apparent by the way you talk about him. But like most people, you are probably just nervous or scared. That's normal. Have faith! You'll be looking back at this 20 years down the road and think "It was so worth it."

Did anyone have a bad gastric byp experience?

i'm 32 and had the surgery yrs ago but have noticed more health problems along with the weight regain(not all of it) just curious thanks

Are you ready to hear Christmas music on the radio yet ?

One of the stations I fill in at will be firing up Bing Crosby and The Chipmunks in less than 2 weeks !

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Spanish help???? HUGE TEST!!!!?

Okay, i have a HUGE test tomorrow and i need to know these things: how do you conjugate in the present progressive tense, how do you conjugate verbs like gustar in the past tense, prepositions of places, and indirect object pronouns?

I'm looking for a dress that..?

a href="http://www.topshop.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?beginIndex=0&viewAllFlag=&catalogId=19551&storeId=12556&categoryId=151405&parent_category_rn=42344&productId=1040672&langId=-1" rel="nofollow"http://www.topshop.com/webapp/wcs/stores…/a

Can someone do this physics problem?

A father pulls his young daughter on a sled with a constant velocity on a level surface through a distance of 10m. if the total m of the sled and the girl is 35kg and the coefficient of kinetic friction between the sled runners and the snow is 0.20, how much work does the father do?

My 6 yr old is waking up with rashes?

She has a cold and cough and the last couple days has been running a low fever intermittently. When her fever hits her especially at night when she's sleeping she wakes up itching all over, I check her over and she has bright red slightly raised blotches all over her body. I'll treat them with an OTC anti itch cream and it usually helps. By morning her skin is clear and smooth. Sounds like an allergic reaction but I have tried to pinpoint it and can't. I think it has something to do with her fevers. Has anyone heard this any ideas?

Where can i find hutch dog screensaver?

plz send me links 2 find hutch dog screensaver which has a big hutch dog which keeps licking the screen.....

When it comes down to it, isn't applying online truly the only way to get into a company?

Uh, no. Some companies take applications online, some take them on paper, and some do both. And many companies give preference to someone introduced and recommended by a good current employee.

Does this sound like a good christmas list for myself?

if you can afford it and shes a good kid then i thing its okay, im 16 and i have more money worth of clothes

Ohio Labor law question?

My boss is forcing me to transfer to a store that is 25 miles away from where I was hired and have been working for the last year and half. I do not have a dependable car and do not want to make this transfer but he is giving me no choice. When I was hired they never said I had to be willing to relocate to a different location. Can he do this?

Dodge Ram, what should i do?

Depends on the price! I have owned many ,many, and still do own many dodges.... the guy saying the stuff with the don't know too much, that was the earlier ones in 1994 and 95 with the bad s! other than that I have had some of my trucks that I sold to friends still are running with over 400,000 miles on a 1992 4X4 with a 318 in it! and that baby was USED AND ABUSED and is still hauling wagons full of hay and pulling' full gravity bins full of grain, with nothing ever being done to them other than normal maintenance!

Good songs about the old south?

Im driving down to florida from Illinois and we are stopping in Tennessee so I just want some songs that remind me of where im going and the heritage....I already have a big selection from johnny rebel and more but songs about the civil war and dixie land stuff would be good

Morbid question - but serious.?

Hey.....I was just out having lunch with my sister this afternoon and said the same thing. I feel something bad is going to come out of all the problems that are going on with Brittney. It really is sad and I feel that everyone that is going at her needs to get off her back. I really hope things get better for her and she finds the peace she needs to sort out the things in her life. She was pushed into a career at a very early age and into a lifestyle that you could easily lose yourself in. I hope she stays strong in a world that won't give her any peace as long as they can make a dollar off of her. Nobody is perfect and I am sure that she is fed up with the stories about her that are probably only half truths anyway. Hopefully everyone will know when to stop here before they push her off the edge and way to far.

Was ryan dunn's death accidental?

According to a story I just read, that he had been at a bar prior to the accident, and some people had described him as being drunk when he got in his car and drove off and had the accident.

Attention OFW, Seamen and Everyone who has experience in Philippine Airports, can you give me an advice?

plus paying the duty will beat u up also pare, duty one foreign electronic is 100% i think, so be prepared to pay equal tax to the original price, just buy a tv locally, it will be just as good, and u don't have to have a converter.

If Edge could fight 1 more Match against John Cena, who would you want to win and what match type should it be

I Beleive, that if WWE put Edge and John Cena in a real, unscripted match, Edge Would Win. Cena dosent have the skill variety like Edge does. You cant honestly tell me Cena can do a spinning Heel kick, Edgecution, spear or beat Mick Foley in a Match. As good as Cena is, i think Edge would win...

Are there any environmentally conscious conservative Christians are out there???

Think of it as a way to share your faith with people. When I talk to my kids about putting stuff in the recycle bin I always mention that God gave us such a beautiful place to live, we want to keep it nice. I think that with a prayerful focus, you will be able to come up with some great ways to bring God into some of your 'greener' conversations with people.

Why does sunblock leave that shiny look?

I don't wear chemical sunblock, mostly the titanium or zinc oxide types.. They tend to leave a sheen? I think I'm gonna try to use powder for the shine but.. Does your sunblock do this

Problem with an year 2000 VW Pat estate with an automatic transmission.?

Spot on! your trans-oil is low and when the car is cold it is thicker and not coating to give a smooth gear change, top the oil up should do the trick!

Adult child of an alcoholic parent please advise?

For the past two years my mother has been drinking excessively. It has really taken a toll on our family, my sister has children and doesn't want them anywhere near our mother. My fiance doesn't want to go to my parents house because everytime we do it's a gong show. Sometimes my mom will call me around noon and she'll already be slurring. The worst part of it is that she'll completly deny that she's been drinking and since we don't live with her or near her we can't exactly leave work and go over there to try to stop her. It seems like she really doesn't think she's doing anything wrong. Has anyone else gone through this or does anyone have advice on how to make her realize she's tearing our family apart?

Should we amend the Constitution of The US to provide that all Federal judges be elected to 4 year terms?

No, we should take politics out of the court. Applicants for a vacant seat should be nameless before the president and the senate hearing committee. The senate should select the top three qualified by nameless resume. Then the president would select one of the top three for appointment. Then and only then should the individuals identity be known. That would eliminate all political interference from the process. -... ....

The influence of Jackie Kennedy?

What sort of influence did Jackie Kennedy have on American society? I'm talking bigger than fashion--such as fashion as a tool for empowering women or the fixation of projecting an image of elegance, or whatever influence you feel she had. So in what ways do you feel she impacted the nation as a whole?

How much is too much?

I have been with my boyfriend for almost a year and I've noticed that my urges are outweighing his. I seem to have put my libido into overdrive and he doesn't respond to it. I'm worried that I may be pushing him too much, we are both 25 years old. Ideally I would like to make love at least 3-4 times over the course of the day, on the weekends when we have the day to each other. I haven't gained any weigh, in fact I'm loosing weight, although he has put on a few pounds since we have been seeing each other (about 25).

How come Obama's "brilliant highly intellectual" leader of MMS failed miserably on her job?

Whats more disturbing in his speech he stated that the MMS has been a miserable mistake for the past decade. And he did nothing about it, Nothing

Jason Kidd going to Dallas??

I keep hearing that J-kidd is coming to dallas, I really hate this whole trade talk it's really annoying. The nets want josh howard or devin harris with devean george, a first round pick and cash for j-kidd. I have respect for J-kidd but that is F*ckin BS. First off Devin Harris is gunna become a star and he is pretty good on defense, Josh Howard is a Scottie Pippen clone with a bad shot selection. And by the way J-kidd shoots 36% from the field and 34% from 3point land while Devin Harris can get into the paint easily and he shoots 49% and 37% from 3point land. I know the mavs have choked the past two years but to get J-kidd would be FOOLISH in my opinion. He's overrated on defense and he wouldn't be such a great rebounder on the Mavs because of Dirk and Dampier

Snowboard terrain park question?

I'm getting pretty good at doing normal flat boxes, and i'm getting bored with them. I can tail slide and all that stuff. What kind of terrain feature is a good step up from the normal flat box? something that's not too hard, but harder than that.

I am looking to teach English in Ukraine. Does anyone have a list of schools that do not require certification?

I do not have International Certifications, but prior teaching experience and I understand some schools do not require certifications with prior experience.

Help with zoosk coins?

This is sooo lame. And a slap in the face from the makers of Zoosk. When I joined Zoosk about 6 or so months ago, it was completely free and i wrote many messages back and forth to others. Now I log on today and find that conversations are now "locked". What a load of crap. Zoosk was my third choice of sites anyway. Now its off my radar completely. sorry about your issue though.

Are we (US) the most gullible people on God's Earth?

There is no place on earth to hide from the Arrogance and Ignorance of America (or at least the people who have ruined it). The of Babylon (Amerika) has been used to genize and destroy all other cultures on earth. The has been used to gain control, both physical and financial, of all countries on earth...all of their currencies and trade are tied in some way to the US dollar. The real "powers that be" have no allegiance to Amerika and are simply using it now to setup a worldwide crisis to bring the "New World Order"...so don't worry Amerika and England for that fact will not exist in their present form for much longer. They will be folded into the coming One World Government.

I have A VT-1999 Holden commodore that has a starter problem, Radio stops and air con too.When changing Gear.?

well if you have put in like speakers or like some kind of amp then it is pulling power from the battery enought that things start working and r u sure it is a starter problem it may be just be cuz of the power it is taking from the battery

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Help starting a facebook cause?

How do I start a cause or something on Facebook for support to start and NFL team for Idaho? I think it is a good idea because the only teams we have anywhere close to here are the seahawks, redskins, and denver broncos. I know it would cost a lot of money and I think starting a cause on Facebook would help get the word out that we (idahoans/people in utah, montana and wyoming) deserve a team. I really don't think its fair (even with the population numbers) that New York and Texas have two teams and California has three!! (I'm a Dallas Cowboys fan btw). Help please?

How to change this in my own words.?

DESCRIPTION: Platinum is one of the densest and heaviest metals, highly malleable, soft and ductile. It is extremely resistant to oxidation and to corrosion of high temperatures or chemical elements as well as a very good conductor of electricity and a powerful catalyzing agent. Platinum is soluble only in aqua regia. This precious metal has silvery-white color and does not tarnish.

Recruting Moltres in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team...Help!!?

I am not sure if you have beat the whole game before but, on th 30th floor of MT.Faraway where HO-OH is, is a friend bow but, you need a key to get it. Another thing is that you MUST kill it with your leader and, no other team member can. Also, based on what your teams rank is will boost your chances to get it. These things will help raise your chances to get it. I hope that i helped and, I hope you get Moltres :).

Question about Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon?

At the end of the movie the girls asks Lo to make a wish. He wishes for the both of them to be together. She then promptly jumps into the abyss and floats away. I don't consider myself to be a dull blade, but was this just a suicide. or does it have a more symbolic meaning? I really don't know how to interpret it.

Solving Quadratics Equations?

The perimeter of a right triangle is 60 cm. The length of the hypotenuse is 6 cm more than twice the length of one of the other sides. Find the lengths of all three sides.

HELP! My mails disapeared. The text (From and To) is only showing. I tried the encoding and it dont work?

The text (From and To) is only showing. I tried the encoding,clear history,temp files and nothing works. What could have happened?

Is there a device that is portable that lets you connect to the internet, but is not a phone?

I am looking for something smaller than a laptop, something that is portable to use to surf the web. Also, I would like to play games, like pogo.com, so it would need to have java installed. Any advice?

What can I do about the next door neighbors kids (fair warning this is a long question)?

All of you need to bring a list of all this activity and take it to the police and all of you need to sign it as well and report them every time they make loud noise or tresp.

Lord Stevens, Former Metropolitan Police commissioner: McCanns are victims of a witch-hunt?

I think Lord Stevens must have been on yahoo answers and questions as he calls it a witch-hunt. How right he is.

DO you think my essay is good? any mistakes?

good. no spelling mistakes and very informational, maybe a little too much like an itinerary unless thats what you needed. try to make the closing a bit better like: that is why if i were given the oppurtunity to go on my dream vacation, i would go to mt. everest.

How do you figure out the Surface Area and the Volume of a right triangular prism?

What is the Surface Area and the volume of a right triangular prism whoe base is an isoceles right triangle with sides 4in, 4in, 6in. The altitude of the prism is 13 in. I solved this problem myself but I want to know if my answer is right. Please help!

Why is facebook always unavailable?

I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN! I blame all the people continuously updating their statuses, but man... I don't know how to prevent this... i wanna feed my fishes...

Help please, Getting closer to a girl I like?

Well i would go back to the chemistry cles because all your friends are there...............and heck, you might luck out with a hot chick.

How accurate is ultrasound in determining if ovulation has occurred?

I usually ovulate between cycle days 26-28 of my cycle; very rarely is it any later than that. I started Clomid for the first time this cycle on days 5-9. On days 8 and 9 I had ovulation type cramping, and on days 9 and 10 I had stretchy CM. Since then, things have dried up and I haven't really felt much in the way of uterine cramps. I went to my RE for a mid-cycle ultrasound yesterday (CD 13) and he said he didn't see anything - that it didn't look like I ovulated, but that I didn't have any follicles in there. He seemed to think I wasn't going to O at all, or else I would very late. I asked him if what he saw coincided with a 26-28 day ovulation, and he said it was possible but sounded very doubtful. So now I'm wondering - how accurate is the ultrasound in determining ovulation? Should I get a progesterone test?

White pride? (Racial stuff)?

The problem with mantras like "white pride" and "white power" are that historically they've been used as a justification for atrocities committed against other races. For the most part, those who advocate "black power" or "brown pride" have done so to encourage minority achievement. Although some proponents of black power have been guilty of racism and violence, their crimes pales in comparison to the genocide practiced by the Nazis, KKK, and other advocates of white power.

Puppy Blunders & Problems?

If you are telling me that your puppy is understanding and doing all those things you listed he is doing wonderful. It sounds like your expecting alot of your pup when is still young. I have a puppy the same age and he does do alot of what yours can do. He does respond outside to his name when i make a bif fuss and have a yummy treat or a toy or ball. But he's still yound and there senses are excited and taking in the excitement of outside. It sounds like you put alot of time in training him as i do my puppy. Dont get frustated just keep calling him and enticing him with whatever works.


Think of the area of a regular polygon with a large number of sides (like 100, or 1000, or even 1,000,000 or more) that has an apothem of 4. Then, think of the area of a circle with a radius of 4. Compare the two formulas and see if you can explain why the areas are approximately the same and, in fact, the formulas are approximately the same formula.

Can a 100mw green laser burn wood?

i was thinking about getting one for my birth day but reconsidered seeing as i live in a wooden house so i was wondering if it would burn it

Who is the wackest rapper of them all?

Soulja boy. He's not a rapper, he's a pop artist that raps. His lyrics are wack and his whole image is weak. He's making a whole bunch of bubble-gum BS for preteens to listen to. I get pissed off when someone says he's a rapper.

Need help with New Oscar?

Ok so i got a new oscar and its still small one and my tank is clean and everything and its big and the lil guy not being active much he swims around a bit and goes hide behind the rock and tak on his belly on the ground is he ok? i feed him blood worms he eat them and now he just chills behind the one rock

Are birthdays a big deal to you?

He's using your birthday to have a reason to spend a special day with you. There could be a big surprise for you that day. He may have something special planned out. To me, birthdays become special because of other people wanting to celebrate it with you. Otherwise, it's just like any other day except to remind you how long you've been alive on this earth. You're adding another year to your age.

How can I stop talking to myself?

Seems like when I'm alone and I'm thinking of something that might be worth saying to somebody in a conversation, like a little ancedote about something, I dont realize it but I start saying that thing out loud to nobody in particular...almost like I'm rehearsing saying it or speaking to somebody. I've always been nervous public speaking; is that my subconscious way of practicing it? And how can I stop doing it?

Anyone buy magazines from a young adult selling door to door?

I'm not talking about a high school or elementary school kid trying to raise money. It seems like several times a year the same thing happens. It just happened to me a couple of hours ago. The doorbell rings. There is a 20-something kid standing on my doorstep. I think oh great. It is the same thing every time. They have a college communications cl and are practicing their communications skills. I say "If you're selling magazines, I'm not interested." He says "It's not at all about selling magazines. Selling magazines is just a way to keep score." He keeps handing dirty laminated cards to me and is getting frustrated because I won't take any of them. Finally I say "Am I being too polite to you? I said no. I'm not going to change my mind." Finally he politely says something and leaves. I'll wait a few more months until it happens again. Anyone else have this happen to them? Anyone buy from them?

Playing hard to get when you're married?

You should be discussing this honestly with your husband. There may be cirstances you are unaware of. Honesty and trust are the foundations of a marriage, trying to trick or coerce your husband is counterproductive to your stated goal.

What is cardiac arrhythmia?

A Cardiac arrhythmia is any condition in which the electrical activity of the heart is altered by either being irregular or it is faster or slower than normal. Some arrhythmias are life-threatening medical emergencies that can cause cardiac arrest and sudden death such as Ventricular Tachycardia / Fibrillation; causes include LQTS and LVH. Others cause aggravating symptoms, such as an awareness of a different heart beat, or palpitation, which can be worrisome; these include PAC's, PVC's, SVT, Atrial Fibrillation and WPW syndrome. There is an arrhythmia known as Sinus arrhythmia: it is characterized by acceleration of the heart during respiration, this is also a sign of a healthy heart and vagal response. Typically there are also deviations from the normal heart rates (60-90): any lower than 60 is regarded as a brachycardia and any above 99 is regarded as a tachycardia.

How would you indentify examples of a syntax?

I have to read two stories written by Edgar Allen Poe and two by Thurber. I need to find two examples of syntax in each writers two stories. I don't exactly understand how to identify a syntax from the stories.

How do you create a scanner similar to the swypeout card reader and or digimon tamers d- power digivice?

I am currently trying to develop a toy for people to swipe cards through a reader allowing them to upgrade their monster. I have been to many search engines and can't find squat. The scanner is suppose to be a handheld so you can take it plces and such. If you can help I'd appreciate it

I creat alot of folder, but now i want to deleted or change the name of the my folder and i dont know how plea

hello, i creat alot of folder, but now i want to deleted or change the name of the my folder and i dont know how please help me

Could you help me understand this Queen Margaret monologue?

you've got to remember that margaret wears the pants but Shakespeare is using her speech to update the audience of the historical context and to progress the action of the play forward. margaret is generally sarcastic and biting in her speeches and it is her downfall that she is sharp tongued. not something admired in women but perhaps a dig at shakespeare's own dominant mother and wife

Bean sprouts safe to eat?

Just wondering because of the E. Coli outbreak in Europe, are raw bean spouts safe to eat? If not, what about COOKED bean sprouts?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Do I deserve to die just because I refuse to work in a cruel world, when rapists and pedophiles get to live?

Work to feed yourself and to provide yourself with basic necessities and shelter. That's all. It is the comparative, evaluating, petty, fearful, mind, that's telling you the rest of it.

What should i train on In runescape?

Well im level 70, 60 attack, 60 defense, Granite body drag legs and boots, medium drag helm and 55 strength i need somethiing GOOD! to train on i'm trying to get a whip, any answer will be appreciated

What do you think of this?

Ziz vas very klever und very funy. But you forgot vun important zing. You used tu many periods. At most, ziz vud be just tu or sree zentences.

What is the RATIO of the legs of the Triangle?

The altitude to the hypotenuse of a right triangle divides the hypotenuse in the ratio 4:1. What is the ratio of the legs of the triangle?

Transmission Question?

ok so i was lookin at some other answers and found a good answer to my first question. i got a transmission, the kid said it worked, when i put it in, it didnt. so in another ? i found use lubeguard for valves that are stuck, which i did. now it shifts no problem.. (well that day at least so hey musta been stuck valves) now the cars been sittin for a day and i started it up, now it wont shift n more.. whats wrong? if i have to buy that fluid every day that i want to drive the car thats crazy.

SAVE WWW.NICK.COM!Come and join me wih hundreds of others!PLEASE!Before it's to late!HURRY!?

The creators of www.nick.com are going to shut it down!Thousands of children are going to be dissapointed!NICKTROPOLIS is going to be no more!If I can get enof online signatures then we may can save the website!All od you nickelodeon fans now is the time to pull togather!Hurry before it's to late!Even if your an adult your signature still counts!Do this for the children!Please I beg of you!Let's pull togather before it's to late!Please!

Does attraction to people of the same gender as yourself for two years constitute gay?

I'm 14 years old, and for two years there have been innumerable thoughts and desires occurring in my mind relating to other males. Firstly, I would like to say that I am not just some immature teenager who is saying this purely because I have heard similar things from others. Since I was 12 I am convinced that the thoughts I have had relating to other males I know are emotional attraction. Little less than a year ago, I met a friend, and since then I have gotten to know him really well and I thoroughly enjoy his company, and consequently I spend more time with him than ANY of my other friends. Every day I seem to gradually like him more and more, and he is always there like a brother to me. Could I possibly be gay?

Why do all indians want to marry a virgin????? what kind of a criteria is that?

and a lot more stuff. i dont understand y r they so against love marriages[search honour killings in india on google]

Roofing questions?

Is there some sort of treatment you can apply to an older roof to prevent a moss buildup? I've made an offer on a house and the home inspection raised flags about the roof. The roof is about 13 years old with an expectancy of 15-18 years (WA state). We have requested the owner do repairs to the beat up shingles, but I'm curious if there is something that can be applied to combat the moss.

How do I find out if my college does (sorority/fraternity) RUSH during second semester? SJSU 10 points?

Easiest thing to do would be to contact the student life or greek life office directly. Or if you know any members ask them. If formal recruitment (for NPC sororities) is held in the fall only chapters that aren't at the campus max no. of members can recruit.

Really odd dreams?

ok im standing in a white room and bam a giant cooki smashes me then suddenly the room goes back and darth vader walks over and kicks me in my nads and in an australian accent says srry m8 can i help u up i grab his hand and now the room is white again then a black circle opens in the floor i fall in and the chips ahoy guy starts punching the crap out of me and syas u think im chunky and loveable now bi--- then i stand up and eat and find one of the papa smurf in the middle and he says wat up dog and thats the end

Trivia question: What do these 12 basketball players have in common?

Shareef Abdur-Rahim, Ray Allen, Marcus Camby, Erick Dampier, Todd Fuller, Allen Iverson, Kerry Kittles, Stephon Marbury, Vitaly Potapenko, Antoine Walker, Samaki Walker, and Lorenzen Wright.

Why does my arm keep twitching/vibrating/shaking?

So, for about 10 minutes now, my arm keeps vibrating, shaking quite subtly, but a moment ago, it was full on twitching. I had my hand on the keyboard, and I could see my hand/arm twitching up and down. It also kind of hurts halfway up my forearm. Why does this keep happening?

Keke the witch a movie?

This movie when I was really young about a witch, her name was Keke, and she had to go away from home for a while to be a 'witch.' She had a broom and a black cat, it was animated... anybody remember?

Why is it that now M.J is dead eveyone loves him?

firts let me say ive always loved his music,but everyone would talk $hit about him(hes a molester,hes crazy,hes ugly)now that he died everyone is a fan,

Kiero y nesesito hablar con la doctora?

tengo un caso por una licensia falsa y soy indoentada pero no andaba manejando y mucho menos la presente como ad ahora tengo k ir a corte pagar un abogado etc. es un dilito grave! la licensia es de canada y esta vensida del 2003 solo andaba en mi cartera y los policias me rebataron la cartera y la sacaron pero andaba con mi pasaporte y un ad dominicano

Live plants for a iguana?

what are good live plant for a large custom cage that homes one iguana. the cage is 6 feet long 3 1/2 feet wide and 5 feet high

What does this quote mean?

"She was elusive. She was today. She was tommrow. She was the faintest scent of a cactus flower, the flitting shadow of an elf owl. We did not know what to make of her. In our minds we tried to pin her to a corkboard like a erfly, but the pin merley went through and away she flew."

Beyonc� - If I Were a Boy: Offensive?

Its just a song hommie, I chuckled when I heard it. All I can say is if your a boy like she says then take offense. I am a man and dont really relate so I'm good...........feel me. By the way, all her songs are pretty much about men doing or not doing something

MTH 131 Calculus for the Business Sciences or...?

Math 151 Calculus I is definitely more challenging. This calculus is part of the required curriculum for science majors e.g. bio, physics, chem., engineering, and math majors. These majors obviously require a strong proficiency in calculus as the scientific theory/concepts cannot be adequately explained/used without it. To put this another way: in Calc 151 you will be sitting alongside premed, physics, engineering, chem and math majors, whereas, in the Calc for Business Sciences you will largely be in a clroom with economics, finance and business majors. Clearly the former academia demands a greater understanding of calculus.

Tips on basketball weight training?

I just got done running cross country and training for my marathon. Not only am I a runner, but I am pretty skinny to start with. I have also not played much bball since like 3 or 4 months. Starting in mid January, I will be playing recreational basketball (ok i know its rec but its gunna be hella competetive cuz all the players that got cut from the school team are playing). I have access to dumbells and thats about it, i need to put on some muscle or just get some strength before the season starts. what kind of workouts should i be doing and how often, etc. thanks.

What world war II movie is this?

I'm looking for a movie for my great grandfather, the movie is based during World War II on supposedly a true story, This German General goes to this town where he hears there is a gold mine to seek the fortune, knowing this the townspeople melt all the gold into runners for sleds, the kids ride the sleds down hills to the townspeople where they sneak it out, because the general would never suspect a sled had gold in it, please help me, he wants it for his birthday and he can;t remember the name.


Caffeine raises your heart rate. Thats what wakes people up. If you drink to many Monsters then your heart rate will get so high that your heart gets exhausted and stops. Which leads to heart attacks.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Victoria Secret enhancement cream?

Push up bras is all they'd sell. They're a reputable company and no one sells anything that will enhance your bust line externally. I have heard there may be herbs that would do it--haven't tried it though and I personally wouldn't waste my time! I am small busted and love it because clothes fit me better than they would my larger-busted gal pals. If you're worried about what guys think then you're worried about the wrong guys! The ones who matter won't be just looking for your bust to be big.

List ways where heat could lost and consequently not raise the temperature of the water?

This is by doing Heat of combustion with a 400ml beaker with candle, tin can with 150 ml of tap water, temperature probe and labpro data lagger.

How can something, myoglobin, that diffuses more slowly then oxygen help carry oxygen?

The diffusion of oxygen from the cell surface to a mitochondrion can limit the rate of energy production. Muscle cells consume large amounts of energy and those designed to work aerobically have myoglobin in the cytosol to help carry oxygen to the mitochondrion.

Can i change a business visa to to student visa?

i will to go to Australia for my Cisco lab exam and the emby want to issure me business visa can i change this visa to student visa while in Australia ?

If im already in hell does it matter if i kill myself?

im hitting a new low every day. I have so much to be thankful for, yet I cannot get out of this downward spiral. I havent slept in two months, ive lost 30 pounds, disowned my family. I am scared. Ive tried meditation, praying, reading. Talking to a therapist makes it worse. i feel like i have nothing left. Those suicide hotlines suck, as they dont really care about me. Does anyone really care about me. Suicide is selfish... why? because it will upset other people? well what about me? I cant go much longer.. every single day im struggling. its getting harder and harder... I cry at work, while at home. I have nobody and im lonely and miserable.

Do you think Robbie Williams(from my home town)did the right thing by going it alone?

When Robbie left Take That,I personally knew that the band would not last long,not when the backbone was taken out. Robbie is a true superstar and has obviously got the talent to be a solo artist,Robbie youve put Stoke-On-Trent,on the map,You TOTALLY,are in my opinion,a true superstar,and et to any,Stokie, worth their salt!!!!!!LOVE YA ROB XXX

Would self termination be logical for me?

No formal education, no intelligence, no job, no money, no ual experience and no girlfriend at 21. If I've failed in life at this stage, then logically what's the point of being a burden on this wretched rock. You're born out of darkness, you live in darkness, you die in darkness. I don't have the to commit suicide, I wish I had the though. I have no confidence, because it was bullied out of me as a kid and women hate me because of it. I don't believe in a god, so spouting delusional creation myths to me is pointless. I am ashamed by my lack of experience with women, however I would rather have financial security. Only winning the lottery would make me happy and the chances of that happening are slim.

DSR(Dirty South Rydas): who is the thrown est member? Mayne! Hold up....?

Sup? Im a DSR fan, a group from Texas that be on some of the funniest stuff ive ever heard. Im from Mississippi(Jackson, MS) and my cousin came from Texas a few years back and put me on DSR. Ive been a fan every since. So my question is to either Texas rap fans or screw heads, who is the thrown est member in DSR, Tum Tum, Big Tuck, Fat , or Lil Ronnie? DSR fans only please. Peace.

Does he like me or what? idk help me!?

ok whell im a freshman and there is this guy in 10th grade and we started texting and we have been flirting back and forth for about a month. he pokes me in the side always says im fun size, tells me he loves me, and he always gives me a hug at the end of art cl. we both like eachother but he keeps saying i dont flirt back and i am really ticklish so when ever somebody puts their hand near me i jump or flinch and he thinks that im afraid of him. also my ex and his ex we both like them but like i said we both really like eachother, im not sure what to do! and whenever we are in art he always scoots my stool closer to him, and he is in jrotc so he always tells me to put his jacket on.

Need help....its not urgent but i would like some input...thanks?

started seeing this guy, jamie, and we went out for dinner on the 22nd, had loads of fun, he was easy to talk to, funny and it seemed like we clicked. Half way through dinner he said something and accidentally slipped the word "honey" into the sentence. I called him on it, but it was so sweet that i replied "awww! thanks baby" and we just had a laugh, i sent him a text after he dropped me home later that night saying " thanks and he replied saying "he had fun with me, asking if i had a good time and he called me honey again" On christmas day he sent me a text @ 1pm saying "merry christmas and how he can't wait to see me again", i couldnt reply with all the preparations that were going on, so he sent me another one at 11pm saying the same thing. I eventually replied but havnt heard anything from him since then, i know he went camping with his friends for new years so that could explain the silence. I called him once, and sent him a text 5 days ago, but no reply. Should i call him again?

Where Could I Find Tokio Hotel Merchandise in Sacramento or Elk Grove?

I found about three stores, but they only have their CDs and one Movie. I think it's called Tokio Hotel TV: Caught on Tape.

Stepmom question?

What are the responsabilities of a stepmom? I'm hoping to meet my step daugther soon, I also have a daughter with my husband, what if she doesnt like me? I'm a nice person, and I want her to be with her dad who she hasn't seen over two years and I also want her to meet her sister. She is 8 years old, and my daughter is 2, I met her when she was 3 but havent seen her since. Thanx.

Im thinking about becoming a cannibal?

I mean women taste soooo good, i usually tackle a few at the mall and try to eat them there cuz they look so yummy but the mall cops through me out. Is this a good lifeststyle??

House plants left out in the rain, what to do now?

I have an aloe vera plant, a christmas cactus, english ivy, and a spider plant. They were accidently left outside when it was raining and I'm not sure what to do now. I've heard the aloe vera might start rotting and I'm sure the cactus wasnt fond of its pot being filled with water. What is the best course of action now? re-potting them in dry soil? something else?

How do you stand on a scale for the most accurate weight?

I have a digital scale and the way I stand changes the weight drastically. I don't know if it's just a sucky scale or if I am standing on it wrong are you suppose to put the weight on your heels, center of your feet or on your toes? This sounds like a really stupid but I am completely serious! Or should I go with the smallest number or the biggest. It's like 5 lbs difference.

Do reptiles ever stop growing? Some creationists claim reptiles lived hundred of years and grew into dinosaurs?

Snakes continue growing for as long as they live. So do fish. But they don't live "indefinitely". Saying that dinosaurs were overgrown lizards makes about as much sense as saying that a blue whale is just an overgrown dolphin.

I have new granite with a grease stain? what can i do?

Is there anything I can do to lighten up this stain? my granite has only been down for 2 weeks and I've already messed it up. I'm just not use to having to be so careful. Any ideas?

Friend problem? wut do i say bout it??? please help!?!?!?

ok so today is saturday. last saturday i told all my friends not to make any plans for the next saturday(which is now today. i was gonna have my mom pay 4 all my frans to go see alvin and the chipmunks). and i specifically had called her and IMed her. she said she wudnt make any plans but shed have to call her mom. so yesterday im talkin to her and she says she mtie be able to come but one of her frans was in over. she told me she wud call me wen she found out if she cud come or not. so today she doesnt even show up. i was suuuuuuuper mad bcuz i had specifically told her not to make any plansand she did. she made plans during my movie party. im extremely mad at her but i dont kno wut to do. i was already thinkin she was beginnin to become a bad friend. tell me wut i shud do..pleeeeeease!!!! :( like i mean she didnt even call me to tell me she ***** come...

Should i start treating others with NO respect? people dont seem to show me none at all?

im nice to most people i try to treat everyone with respect. i was always tought that i should treat others as i would wont to be treated. but latly it seems that nobody is respecting me. or treating me like im a human....should i treat people the same way as im being treated? i feel that if nobody's treating me right i should treat them wrong......but will it be right to treat others wrong because they're treating me wrong?

Who do you think will be the 10 worst and 10 best wwe/tna wrestlers of 2010?

In the beginning was the Word [Christ], and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.ol 1:16For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him.Gen 1:25-2God made the beasts of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind; and God saw that it was good. Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.NarrativEverything was good with man, and between man and God. God provided all their needs. Continual fellowship with God was their joy. God had given them everything they needed for complete fulfillment. He cared for them as a loving mother would her newborn baby:Gen 1:28-3God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth." Then God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food"; and it was so.Gen 2:25God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.

If I spout inflammatory partisan rhetoric, will it cause you to see the light?

Do the people here who ask questions based on insulting one side or the other expect to actually get anywhere or change anyone's mind, or are they just looking to get some people mad (or get high-fives from their own team)?

I've had my toungues pierced for about 5 months now and lately it has gotten a litle soar, anyone know why?

my toungues has been pierced for about 5 months and some times it gets soar, i was thinking maybe of the reason being that i eat rough, and like to put a ot of food in my mouth at once, but does anyone have a nother clue why?

Where can i find a good quality "My Bloody Valentine 3D" torrent?

I have looked on ScTorrent, but all the ones are encoded and i don't wana risk downloading lower ones because im afraid of viruses, also some of them are the older version not the 3D remake. Thanks for all the answers, please no naggers, i know its illegal

How much should a mechanic charge to replace a broken lug stud?

most of the time it is fairly easy to do on your own. but a mechanic should charge about 30 to 70 dollars. support the car on jack stands, remove the wheel, remove the brake parts that interfere with removing the rotor, remove the rotor, use a hammer to hit the broken stud thru the hub, insert the new stud thru the hub, using a spare lug nut ( one that can screw all the way on the stud thread on the stud, use a long bar wedged between two other studs to keep hub from rotating, tighten the lug nut until the stud seats, back off the lug nut, reinstall rotor, and brake components, add wheel and lug nuts ... done

Why do you believe in this crazy stuff?

Because the feeble minded find it easier to live in the make believe than it is to survive in reality.

Should I get implants?

Im a full A small B..I want something natural looking. Only a cup size bigger..probably a full B small C cup. I'm very fearful though that people will think I'm fake. I consider myself very down to earth, come from a good catholic family. Can guys I date see past that and like me for me? Also, my ex boyfriend recently broke up with me, he told me i shouldn't get implants. But I do want it for myself only, a small increase. Nothing like you see in the magazines! I'm also afraid my ex boyfriend might find out I got them and never want to date me again (i'm trying to get back with him). I am a great person I know that but do you think people will notice? If i'm a good person at the end of that day, is a enhancement not as bad as everyone thinks? A got my nose tweaked a few years ago and a little fuller would make me feel a little more confident and y in clothes. I'm most concerned with attracting the wrong kind of men. I want a down to earth guy who won't be able to tell i've had them done. So I feel a moderate increase would be okay right? No one would really be able to tell but my friends? Let me know your thoughts! Thanks!

What does my day-dream mean?

I keep on having a very short daydream of a small child's head turning around quickly and his head is pulsating and enlarged.Every time it happens I jolt up and feel really dizzy.Its been in my head for while after I was 5 and thought about it for a little while,and now it wont stop in my head.Its not like horrible or anything I would just like to know if it is my "subconscious" or something like that.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I need a good fishing setup.?

G Loomis GL2 paired with Abu Garcia REVO. I throw swimbaits for huge large mouth b and then take it the very next day for huge halibut, striped b, and rockfish along the coast.

Is dan a better fisherman than jordan?

we are having a compition and dan is better trust me lol anyone that says dan will get the top answer

Korean Drama (title of the drama please!)?

I don't know but if you go to Mysoju.com you might be able to find it. They give korean drama names, year filmed and descriptions of the dramas on that web site. I love Dramas too!!!

My hollister jeans won't stay up even with a belt! Getting frustrated and pissed.?

Sometimes when jeans are too tight they slip. See if you can get the smaller size taken out or the larger pair taken in. Different brand of jeans have different fits. I find abercrombie and fitch jeans to be tighter in the waist but looser in the thigh than hollister jeans.

Im looking for the best site to shop for halloween decor?

halloween is my favorite time of the year i love to decorate the yard and im looking for decorations that have the best detail but im having trouble findiing a good website i see alot of the geeky things that don't really appeal to me im all bout detail and i guess u would say on the morbid side any hard core halloween fans out there that could help me would be great

Has cable killed or helped to kill boxing?

i remember growing up as a youngster watching Ray Leonard and Ali on Wide world of sports on abc and other young promising fighters. now i dont know who these guys are because the only time i see them is on ppv. even espn2 had friday-night fights that gave guys exposure. who are these guys?

Why do Republicans like Golden Parachutes?

Are you serious? It was DEMOCRATS that wanted to accept the bailout as is, without question. Thank God for the house Republicans fighting every step of the way.

I love cat and dog but why is not friend question...?

from now no body perfeck thats why people or animals is not works a lifes not going to good all, they have all around the world bad or good right questions.

ARCA,ASA,CRA sponsorship?

Try posting on a href="http://www.racingjunk.com/." rel="nofollow"http://www.racingjunk.com/./a I highly doubt you will get any offers from Y!A.


Your stomach was probably just not used to all the grease! Take it easy on the greasy things because it sounded like you had a whole lot of greasy things the first time you tried to see if your stomach changed or whatever. Because you have been being so good to your body in the last few weeks your body was probably not used to all that yucky stuff. Don't cheat, keep up the good work!!

Level wall in preparation for backsplash?

I had some granite counter tops installed and in the process to tile my backsplash. the problem I ran into is that the wall is not very level along the backsplash. how do I correct and prepare the tile for that? build up with thinset or just replace the drywall and shim them so the wall is straight and level?

Can Anyone Advise-Bicycle Repairs?

Its a very good idea to find out how to repair a puncture yourself as it can get you home. I learned from the article below.

Can I talk to people In another country with a free call phone?

I want to know If I can talk to someone for free In another country If I had one of those free call phones for example skype?, do they have to have a free call phone too? for me to talk to them from the country I am In for free? I need to know so I can save some money but I need to know If I can talk to someone In another country for free and If they have to have one of those free call phones too? some shops like argos have free call phones like LG, skype etc but they dont mention If I can call anyone for free IN ANOTHER COUNTRY. ANY help would be appreciated and the one that tells me the right answer will offcourse be chosen as best answer. If you need to know any more details please message me.

I have intervine in a cps case and fired my attorney any advise?

Moms rights are going to be terminated on monday. I am representing myself . I want to adopt this child . Cps and childs attorney are against me chid was in my care for 8 months i am not blood related . So child was placed with great aunt and uncle in there seventies. I need advise

Why does he tell me things like that but never REALLY does anything?

i think u shoul just talk 2 him and tell him hw u realy feel ,communication is importnt in relationships and luv is beter expressed thru actions than words.nd dont 4get 2 giv him an ultimatum ,who doesnt like being lvd?????

Why are Americans obsessed with having Irish ancestry?

Some Irish people are British, the people in Northern Ireland are British!!! I am English (born in London) living in Ireland! :) I think they do it because they love Ireland so much and yearn to be Irish themselves! :) I am much more on the British side myself! :)

What should I wear? hellpppp! ?

I'm going to a wedding in less than a month and idk what to wear.. I want to wear a dress but not too short .. I want something dressy but not way to dressy.. Is there any online stores I can check besides forever21 charlotte russe wetseal gojane..

Short story? what do u think? Any advice?

It's good but you have some flaws that would make it flow better if you fixed. For instance, change this part to "Mrs Dally hated waiting all alone in her small flat; it wasn’t preferable, and she constantly felt claustrophobic." And "She woke to the piercing screech of a car. She abruptly sat up, dazed and disoriented. She'd fallen asleep in her chair and as a result her spine ached from the awkward pose she’d slept in." Ect ect. You have a lot of those little errors where there should be periods rather than commas. But otherwise very good detail and I like your choice of vocabulary. :-)

R&P Will you join me in a tribute to our friend Punch?

I don't know Punch very well but here's my B-Day wish. Many in this section have helped me when i needed it & now i will return the favor.

Why are cliches, slogans, or open slander disguised as questions?

Of course, you are absolutely correct. Some people are not capable of independent thought, but they don't let that stop them from wasting valuable space while they spout platitudes and insults.

MEN ONLY!! Can someone explain to me the comradrie over fidelity attitude among men...especially married men?

My husband has a new co-worker who was moved from another "department" and the reason for it was because he was fraternizing with the trainees which is strictly forbidden not to mention he's a married man. My husband explained that the reason he got caught was because a friend/co-worker "hacked" into his email and forwarded it to his superiors. He was subsequently demoted and moved. My husband seems to think that in matters involving infidelity that you should remain a friend and keep it to yourself because it is after all "their business". Or if morality is important to you then to pull that friend aside and urge him to stop. In my experience, a lot of men would see that too as some kind of betrayal and that person would just be one less to confide his dirt to. How can men accept this mentality of comradrie over fidelity? Is friendship that important that you should brush these things under the carpet? Furthermore, if this is the position that my husband takes on the matter, should I be worried about him and the company he keeps?