Sunday, November 6, 2011

Need help....its not urgent but i would like some input...thanks?

started seeing this guy, jamie, and we went out for dinner on the 22nd, had loads of fun, he was easy to talk to, funny and it seemed like we clicked. Half way through dinner he said something and accidentally slipped the word "honey" into the sentence. I called him on it, but it was so sweet that i replied "awww! thanks baby" and we just had a laugh, i sent him a text after he dropped me home later that night saying " thanks and he replied saying "he had fun with me, asking if i had a good time and he called me honey again" On christmas day he sent me a text @ 1pm saying "merry christmas and how he can't wait to see me again", i couldnt reply with all the preparations that were going on, so he sent me another one at 11pm saying the same thing. I eventually replied but havnt heard anything from him since then, i know he went camping with his friends for new years so that could explain the silence. I called him once, and sent him a text 5 days ago, but no reply. Should i call him again?

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